If you are a coffee lover, it is time to master the art of coffee grinding. Lavie Coffee offers whole beans and various grinds of coffee if grinding coffee beans is not your forte. Follow our complete guide to coffee grinding to experience bolder flavors, aromas, and freshness with every cup.
Why Should You Grind Your Coffee?
Wondering why you should grind up your coffee? While you might love your morning cup now, grinding your own coffee heightens your coffee experience in the following ways:
- Freshness
Coffee that is already ground up and ready to go lacks the full flavor and aroma of freshly ground coffee beans. By using fresh beans from Lavie Coffee and a quality grinder, you can have fresh, bold, flavorful coffee every morning.
- Creativity
Whether it is only one type of coffee bean or a blend of several, grinding up your coffee gives you room to experiment. Dabble with flavors and types for a fun mixture.
- It’s Rewarding
Knowing exactly what’s in your cup of coffee is satisfying. Grinding your own coffee provides you with a rewarding experience knowing you can choose your preferred flavors and grind size.
Coffee Grinding 101
One of the first things to consider is the size of your grinds. Depending on your preferred coffee type and brewing machine, you will want to set your grinds to a particular size. While you can refine your size based on preference, here’s a guide to the best pairings between grind size and coffee type.
- Extra Fine – Best for Espresso
- Fine – For Mocha Pot Lovers
- Medium – Best for Drip Coffee
- Course – Perfect for the French Press
Types of Coffee Grinders
Coffee grinders come in all shapes, sizes, and price points. Below we have listed the common types of coffee grinders to consider.
- Hand Grinders
Hand grinders are simple as they don't require electricity and work with a simple twist of the handle. If you are a true beginner, give a hand grinder a shot to easily experiment if grinding your own coffee is for you.
- Automatic Grinders
If you are looking for a more automated approach to coffee grinding, go for an automatic grinder. You can add your beans, set a timer, and wake up daily to fresh ground coffee.
- Espresso Grinders
For espresso lovers, an espresso grinder is the best pick. It's automatic, creates a fine grind (adjustable), and will grind and make a bold cup of espresso with the push of a button.
Choose Whole Beans from Lavie Coffee
Lavie Coffee has fresh and high-quality coffee beans available to suit every palette. Grinding your own coffee is a rewarding experience and can vastly improve the taste of your cup of coffee. View our full selection of coffee beans at Lavie Coffee.